|Li' anyerra tarah| has no passive. But it has a very productive stative/agentive divide.

the Agentive is indicated by the zeroth form of the noun and SVO form; it has a Past/Aorist/Present/Possible conjugation.

The Stative has a simple Aorist/Present conjugation, indicated by the postposed -an (Aorist/all persons) or -or (Present/all persons) and the preposed personal |a| for a person, or |i| for an impersonal being, eg, a spirit of the forests or of the fog, or a god, and |e| for an inanimate object, eg, fog considered as something you want out of, rather than a being you are trying to propitiate. It is also distinguished by a strict adherence to VS(O) form, eg, |nawan a praleyo| = Praleyo is dead. Also used to indicate position, irrespective of the rest of the sentence structure |nan e ierrat| = on top of a hill, the name of a much-fought-over spring and its village.

consequently, complex sentence structures can be broken down into two forms:

one where the consequence of the action is yet more action, in which case there is a set of particles to carry over from SVO to SVO;

the other where the action concludes in a placing or positioning of some sort (emotions are considered stative), or a placing/positioning results in an action, where a simple conjugation indicates that the topic of the SVO and the VS are the same - |En tref ma li' ierrat di nan a en ierrat| = I went to the hill and on the hill I sat. |Aiator a li' tua en di li' tref ma u vaiti'anor u fait un en.| = The midwife's daughter loves me and so went to a village of my kin. ( |u| and |un| are partitive prepositions/indefinite articles.)

If one were to say "because she was looking for me" one would need to add |iam u te li' vaniro ma un en|, the particle cluster |iam| = for |u| = such |te| = that, meaning "because".

|li' | is both "the" when it preposes a noun, and "he", and "she" on its own.